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Meatless Recipes

If you are looking for delicious recipes to help you through lent then look no further! Chef Cento has put together...

Spring Recipes

Spring is here which means it's time to ditch the heavy soups for something fresh and light. Pack the picnic basket with...

Easter Recipes

Easter is a season that brings joy and excitement as nature renews itself with colorful blooms and fresh scents.


An Italian Easter celebration staple is colomba, a soft and sweet dove-shaped sponge cake. In Italy, the dove is...

Easter Traditions

Easter is the second largest celebrated holiday in Italy. The Italian Easter, or Pasqua, celebration is a weekend-long affair that begins...

Valentine's Day Recipes

Valentine's Day isn't just about romantic love; it's a time for all kinds of affection. And what better way to show it than through cooking?

Big Game Recipes

The big game is finally here which means it is time to pull out your party playbook and create championship level recipes!

Winter Recipes

As the weather gets colder, announcing the arrival of winter, you'll feel a distinct chill in the air.

Italian Christmas Lunch

One of the most celebrated holidays in Italy is Christmas or Natale. Children open presents from Babbo Natale...


The most popular variety of panforte is “Panforte Margherita” named after Queen Margherita after she received it as a gift from the people of Siena.

Panettone and Pandoro

Without Panettone and Pandoro at the table, it isn’t a true Italian Christmas celebration; these popular sweet breads are staples in every...

The Feast of the Seven Fishes

The Feast of the Seven Fishes is an Italian tradition celebrated on Christmas Eve each year, with at least seven seafood courses eaten before...

Passata 101

Passata is a cornerstone in Italian cuisine, revered for its simplicity and versatility.

Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving is a time that we gather together with family and friends around the table to enjoy some delicious home cooked food.

Spooky Fun Halloween Recipes

Ghouls, goblins and ghosts unite! Tis’ the season of Halloween. Candied apples and candy corn take a back seat to these fun, and spooky...

Game Day Recipes

Why not upgrade your playbook to championship levels with some of our delicious and touchdown worthy Cento recipes to...

Fall Recipes

The temperature is dropping, leaves are changing colors, which can only mean one thing: Fall is finally here! Time to make some warm...

Sandwich Toppers

Cento peppers are a staple in Italian cooking, elevating dishes like pasta, pizza, and salads. They not only enhance flavors but also offer...

Back to School Recipes

It’s that time of year again, kids are packing their lunches and looking for quick snacks during and after school.

Summer Sauces

Try something new this season and make your own sauce! Ketchup and BBQ Sauces.

Grilling Season Guide

Summer is finally here, dust off the grill and get back to creating crowd pleasers for all your friends and family.

Father's Day Recipes

Father's Day, the one day a year we show our appreciation to all the great dads out there. Dads deserve the best. Make this...

Some Like it Hot

If you want to spice up your next meal we've got your back. Check out our line up of recipes and products...

Quick Salads

If you're looking for a quick salad, Chef Cento has put together some of his favorite 15 minutes or less recipes.

Pasta Salads

Ever wonder how pasta can be considered a salad? The best answer is dressing. Pasta salad consists of...

Summer Seafood

Summer is here and it's time to kick back and relax in the sun. Seafood is perfect for any hot summer day!

Faces of La Florentine

La Florentine Torrone candy is beloved not only for its soft nougat and rich flavors but also for its beautifully nostalgic packaging.


Anchovies are small saltwater fish belonging to the Engraulidae family with around 140 different species.

Gnocchi Recipes

Gnocchi is a type of Italian pasta made from potatoes, flour, and sometimes eggs. It has been enjoyed in Italy for centuries and is...

Canned Seafood

Canned fish is a convenient and affordable way to add fish to your diet, as it is often less expensive than fresh or frozen fish and has a...

All About Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic vinegar is a unique type of vinegar that differs from most others due to its production process. It undergoes only one stage...

Roasted Peppers

Roasted peppers are a popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world, particularly in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking.

Mothers Day Recipes

Mother's Day, the one day a year we show our appreciation to all the great dads out there. Moms deserve the best.

Pantry Essentials

It is very important for every household to have a collection of recipes that can be made from basic pantry items.

Top Uses for San Marzano

The versatility of the San Marzano Tomato is almost limitless. We suggest starting out by creating your basic “San Marzano Marinara”.


Capers are un-ripened flower buds from the capparis spinosa grown in the Mediterranean. After picked, they are sun dried...

Mini Calzones

A calzone is a traditional Italian oven-baked folded pizza, often known as a ‘turnover’, originating in Naples, Italy during the 18th century.

Finger Foods

Are you hosting a party and want to make a lasting impression? Whether it's a holiday family party or you a quick get together...

Art of Pizza Making

Authentic Italian Naples pizza all starts with soft wheat “00” flour. This 100% Italian flour is perfect for making a classic Italian pizza...


Originating in Milan Italy around 1900, espresso is a type of concentrated coffee. Espresso is made the same way as coffee except...

The Mighty Artichoke

Artichokes are sometimes referred to as a “superfood” due to their high amounts of vitamins and nutrients.

Making Hummus

Hummus is a Middle Eastern dip or spread, made from mashing up chickpeas, with tahini, lemon juice and garlic.

Anna Tipo 00 Flour

High quality flour is the most important ingredient for making dough. What is a “00” flour? Well, Italian flours are graded by the...

Meal Prep Tips

Sometimes you crave a tasty home cooked meal, but just can’t quite find the time. If you meal plan accordingly, you can have your favorite dishes...

Lupini Beans

Lupini beans are yellow legume seeds from the lupinus albus plant mostly found in the Mediterranean countries.

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is considered the most heart-healthy diet by nutrition experts and doctors alike.

Chef Cento's Tips & Tricks

Ever find yourself struggling in the kitchen? We’ve all been there, and we want to help!

Pronto Pizza

Make your own pizza from scratch with our Pronto Pizza recipe, topped with Cento Pizza Sauce and...

20 Out of the Box Tuna Recipes

Cento Tuna provides the excellent taste, quality and consistency which you have come to expect from our...

Chef Hope Cohen

Hope Cohen’s culinary work as a chef, author, restaurant/food/media consultant has earned her...

Gluten Free Recipes

Gluten is a protein most commonly found in grains, wheat, barley, and rye. This protein helps food maintain its shape. Think of it as...

Pasta Cuts Guide

When it comes to pasta, every cut is meant for a different purpose. Whether you are using it as a main dish or as a side in a soup or...

Chef Mike Scipione

Chef Michael Scipione, owner of Sano, is a self-taught chef and has been creating delectable, healthy dishes for over 30 years.

Chef Cento's Lasagne

This comfort food layers robust tomato sauce, ground beef and a mozzarella-ricotta cheese mixture between sheets of pasta.

One Dough Ball, Endless Possibilities

Bread has been a symbol of life since ancient times, used as the center piece for many celebrations and served in small baskets at family...

Cento Vinegar Guide

Vinegar is one of the most versatile products on the market and for over 10,000 years, people have been using vinegar in an endless...

Tomato Paste in a Tube

Cento Double Concentrated Tomato Paste in a Tube is made from fresh Italian tomatoes, cooked down to create a super dense...

Cento Wine Pairing Guide

Whether you're crazy about Italian cooking or a self-proclaimed wine expert, we can all agree that food and wine are best...

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

It’s very hard to come by a high quality apple cider vinegar but we’ve done just that. Our apples are harvested from Italy, and are...

Pasta, Overpriced or Overlooked?

Have you ever asked yourself why some pasta brands are more expensive than others? Certain brands, like...


Sardines, the fish that fed millions of soldiers during both World War I and World War II and also Sicilian...

Why White Balsamic?

Most of us are familiar with traditional balsamic vinegar…but what about white balsamic vinegar? Is there a difference?

Organic Polenta with Fontina & Eggs Recipe

Our Organic Polenta With Fontina & Eggs is the perfect hearty comforting breakfast to cook for your next morning...

Olive Oil Guide

Olive oil is one of the most versatile and essential ingredients in the world of cooking. Use our Olive Oil Guide...

Quality Assurance

At Cento, we don’t cut corners. We don’t sell anything that we wouldn’t serve to our family and we would never...

Cento's Test Kitchen

Our collection of more than 250 authentic Italian recipes was hand-crafted by our Executive Chef, Chef Cento, specifically for Cento...

San Marzano Tomatoes

San Marzano tomatoes are widely recognized by top chefs, foodies, Italian cooks and food aficionados as the gold standard for taste...

Mastering Risotto

While risotto may have an intimidating reputation because of the attention it requires, risotto is actually very easy to prepare...

Stock and Broth

Stock and broth are two similar items that are often confused as interchangeable ingredients. While, in some cases, they can be used...

Maurizio Artisan Pasta

Maurizio Artisan Pasta uses century-old, traditional Italian methods of production. Learn more about the steps that make our artisan pasta...

Heart Healthy Oil

Olive oil, a primary component of Italian cuisine, is considered one of the healthiest oils to cook with due to the health...

Cento Organics

At Cento, we recognize the importance of sustainability and protecting our environment. Our Organic products are produced...

Olive Guide

Olives have been enjoyed for thousands of years as the olive tree is one of the oldest trees ever harvested by humans. Equally diverse...

Whole Grain Guide

Whole grains contain valuable antioxidants not found in fruits in vegetables, such as iron, fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and vitamin B. Eating whole...

Canned Tomato Guide

With so many different varieties of canned tomatoes, sometimes it can be confusing trying to figure out which type is best for your recipe.

Crushed Versatility

Cento All Purpose Crushed Tomatoes are your "everything tomatoes", a pantry staple that is versatile enough to use in your favorite recipes.


A nougat made of honey, sugar and egg whites with toasted almonds, torrone is the most popular Italian candy and is made throughout all...

Cento Tuna Standards

Cento Tuna is wild caught, dolphin-safe and certified sustainable with complete traceability to wild capture fisheries by the Marine...

Cento Olive Oil Standards

Our Quality Assurance mandates strict laboratory testing and extensive quality control tests to ensure our olive oil is just that, 100%...

Cento Steam Peeling Commitment

For the past 50 years, we have continued to use an environmentally friendly steam peeling process for our tomatoes. We have always...